Ghost Delivery


Director: Tiwa Moeithaisong

Reviewed by Paghat the Ratgirl

The cutesy-poo horror comedy Ghost Delivery (Kohn sang pea, 2003) starts off with spoofs of specific horror or fantasy films such as Ringu & Matrix, somewhat of a louder, noisier Scarey Movie.

A young good looking guy has power over ghosts. He starts up a business which advertises a unique service: For a fee, he will capture a ghost & deliver it to whoever his client wishes were haunted. Or, rather than capture ghosts, he talks them into his employment, as it would be wrong to kidnap or enslave them.

We're treated to flashy but mediocre cinematography & subtitles zapping by so quickly no speed-reader could keep up. The acting is good, but a waste of effort. Incidents rush at the viewer, some of them visually appealing, but none with sufficient context to be of interest.

By the time the film settles down to tell a story, the mood insists that we care about no one, since it's only an extended gag. It actually strives for some serious moments but by then it's too late, no one in the story matters.

Our ghost-catcher finally meets his match when he falls in love with a gorgeous sexy innocent-faced ghost who claims to be a demon but no one can tell. She seems to inspire machismo of the most baffoonish category among all males who catch sight of her, living or dead.

copyright © by Paghat the Ratgirl

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