Vincent seduces his brother Johnny's girl & gets her pregnant, driving her to suicide.
He plans a bank robbery & has seduced the bank manager's secretary for inside inforomation. He's a rotter through & through in the good brother/bad brother film noir The Hoodlum (1951), an effective little film noir starring real-life brothers Lawrence Tierney & Edward Tierney aka Ed Tracy.
The bank robbery goes badly with several guards getting shot, a couple of Vincent's men lost, therest able to escape as part of a funeral procession. Vince is such a bad guy that even his criminal pals turn against him, taking the money & leaving him on his own.
Pathetic, outcast, on the run in a stolen police car, he has no one to turn to but Johnny. His dying momma who never stopped trying to help him to her recurring heartbreak at long last, from her deathbed, provides a brutal, truthful analysis of what he is. She dies patting Vince's hair.
He'd always blamed the world for his criminality, because he & Johnny grew up next to a smelly garbage dump & were always treated like garbage. Johnny in pretense of assistance decides, rather ironically, to take his broken, appalling brother to that very garbage dump to kill him. Being the good brother, he can't do it. But the police can.
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