The Lost Continent has also been known as Lost Island, The Dying Sea or The People of Abrimes, directed by Michael Carreras for Hammer films.
A wrecked steamship gets trapped in the impenetrable seaweed of the Sargasso Sea, where there is discovered a mad society descended from Spaniards shipwrecked in the age of the Conquistadors, at war with a society descended from the Puritans.
Misty scenes within the snare of tentacled man-eating seaweed are surprisingly evocative & even the goofy Godzilla-esque giant crab vs giant scorpion battle sequence is an edge-of-the-seater.
The story idea had been abroad for a century in such books as Frank Ash's The Black Opal (1915) & Julius Chambers' In Sargasso (1896). The novel this film was inspired by was Dennis Wheatley's Uncharted Seas (1950).
The letterbox video & DVD release include a few minutes not in the film release. Enjoyable.
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